Thursday, April 15, 2010

Update for April 11, 2010

Oh boy, finals aren't far away! Good luck to all of you! We're praying for your well-restedness and clarity of mind while you take exams, give presentations, and write essays -- and that you have a little fun too! :D

Please email Marie or Jennifer if you are coming to Missions Day this Saturday morning! More details are below.

Also, please mark your calendars: College Tour will be April 29-30.

The Share Campaign kicked off this past Sunday. This campaign is designed to engage the members of South Main in reaching out to the people they know and meet to share their faith and church community. During this campaign, we will discuss what it means to open ourselves up for God to work through us in the lives of those around us. Each week, we'll be studying what it means to live, learn, listen, and share as a Christian in today's world. Check out the South Main blog for encouraging articles and stories about your fellow church-goers.


This Saturday (April 17) is Missions Day. Bagels will be served from 8am-8:30am, and then the college class will troop to the South Main Community Garden to set up beds and planters & plant some veggies until around noon. Bring your own supplies (trowel, gloves, knee pads, etc). Last year, we had NO college students attend Missions Day, so please come out this year if you're in town! I know it's early in the morning, but we'll be making a huge difference for our community with this project, which will provide food and nourishment to our neighbors. Again, please RSVP by emailing Marie or Jennifer if you are coming!

Bring your used clothes to the Youth Building any time before Saturday; the Youth are sorting clothes for a clothing drive as their Missions Day project.

There will be no 8:30 worship service on April 25.

Susan's Rally, which supports the fight against cancer and is organized by SMBC's own Bruce Roberson, will be held April 25 at noon. The starting line is the Momentum VW/Audi dealership at 2405 Richmond, and the finish line is at the Post Oak Grill. To register, visit

There will be a church business meeting April 25 at 12:30 in the Fellowship Hall.

College Tour is coming to a town near (most of) you, April 29-30!

The Youth are presenting Beauty and the Beast Friday, April 30 at 7:30pm and Saturday, May 1 at 2:00pm. Student tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the church or at

David Wilcox Concert at SMBC, May 7

Manna, South Main's mission to the homeless right on our doorstep, takes place at 8:00am every Sunday morning. If you would like to volunteer to set up and/or help lead the Manna worship service, please contact Erin Conaway.

College Mission to Collique, Peru, May 22-29, 2010, organized by Tallowood Baptist Church. The cost is $1,500 per person. We will be ministering through worship, VBS, sports camps, construction, and painting. We'll also get to sight see in Lima. Contact Chuck Westbrook if you are interested in going.

Prayer Requests and Praises:

Jennifer Gribble's sister was recently diagnosed with MS. Please pray for her as they explore treatment options and look at how life will now be different.

Sean and Amy's wedding was beautiful. Pray they have a safe and restful -- and fun! -- honeymoon!

Bryan Brooks is having surgery tomorrow, Friday April 16th. He needs blood donations through MD Anderson, so please donate if possible.

Marie Parks' mother had successful heart ablation on Monday, so she's out of atrial fibrillation and back in rhythm!

The mother of Rachel Rentz's friend Aleeza had a miscarriage. Please pray for her and her family.

Virginia Busby has an apartment in Nashville!

John Cate has a job!

Claire Hein has an apartment, but is looking for a job.

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