Thursday, March 18, 2010

Update for March 14, 2010

Happy Spring Break past, present, and future to all of you! There are a LOT of announcements and prayer requests this week; sorry I have missed the past few weeks!


Blood Drive in Activities Building March 21st from 8am to 1pm.

Learn about the spiritual gifts God has given you and how to apply them at Discovery Weekend, March 26-27. I have taken this course and, trust me, it's fanTAStic! The retreat is from 6:30-9:30 on the 26th and from 8:45-3:00 on the 27th. The retreat is NO COST. To register, contact Martha Dethrow by March 23.

The Youth Auction will be held on March 28 at noon in the gym. If you have a good or service to donate to the auction (such as hair cuts, gift cards, photography services, baked goods, tickets, etc), contact Angie Durand, Sally Reed, or Missy Wells. All proceeds will go to the youth mission trip fund.

Missions Day is April 17, 8:30am - noon. Let us know if you have any ideas of projects we could take on, but we'll be sure to have some great assignment for our class!

Prayer during Worship Service: The Discipleship Committee is looking for volunteers to pray during worship services. To sign up, please contact Ruth Campos or Lu Alcazar.

David Wilcox Concert at SMBC, May 7

Manna, South Main's mission to the homeless right on our doorstep, takes place at 8:00am every Sunday morning. If you would like to volunteer to set up and/or help lead the Manna worship service, please contact Erin Conaway.

College Mission to Collique, Peru, May 22-29, 2010, organized by Tallowood Baptist Church. The cost is $1,500 per person. We will be ministering through worship, VBS, sports camps, construction, and painting. We'll also get to sight see in Lima. Contact Chuck Westbrook if you are interested in going.

SMBC is participating in a Buckner mission trip to Guatemala July 2-6. The group will lead a Disciple Now Weekend, complete a service project, and fellowship with students in transitional homes. The land cost ($915) includes meals, lodging, in-country transportation, insurance, interpreters, bottled water, and sightseeing. Airfare ($500-$550) can be arranged by the Buckner on-site Travel Consultant. Contact Chelsea Wade with questions or if you're interested in going.

Prayer Requests and Praises:

Sarrean's cousin as she grieves for her husband

Elizabeth as she decides which nursing school to attend

Elizabeth will be living in Peru this summer; pray for her safety and quick assimilation

Church-wide mission trip in Eagle Pass this week

Safe travel during spring break

Praise: Bill arrived safely in Australia (for those of you who don't know, he has taken a 20-month position in Australia; the rest of his family still in Houston)

Here are some additional prayers and praises from the past few weeks:

Praise: Peter and Sara's church has a permanent pastor

Virginia got a scholarship to Vanderbilt and will be heading to Nashville in August

As of Feb 28, Jessica's dad (Emily & Kyle's uncle) is having coronary problems

As of Feb 28, Zach's uncle was at MD Anderson